2015/7/1 Weds.
近日翻讀《佛陀的女兒》一書,記載南傳佛教禪修大師蒂帕嬤 (Dipa Ma)的生命故事。
無時無刻地禪修(Meditate all the
規律的修行以達寧靜(practice regularly
if you want peace)
讓生活中的每個時刻都成為禪修(make every moment
of your lives a meditation)
禪修是了知你所做的任何事情。如果你忙,那忙就是種禪修(Meditation is to know
what you are doing If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation)
世界上沒有什麼東西可執著的,但卻可以善用之。(There is nothing
ultimately to cling to in this world, but we can make the best use of it.)
選好一個法門然後堅定不移地修習(Choose one
meditation practice and stick with it)
如果你想在禪修上取得進步,就要堅守一個法門 (stay with one technique if you want to progress
in meditation)
簡單的生活對一切都好(A very simple life
is good for everything.)
在靜默中休息總是返觀於心,而不把時間花在沒必要的事上。(simply rested in
silence, and turn your mind inward without spending time at any activity that
was unnecessary to your life)
把全部的注意力只放在一個事上(giving our full
attention to one thing at a time)
活在當下,從容、靜定和簡單(fully present, with
ease, stillness, and simplicity)
常懷祝福之心(Cultivate the
spirit of blessing)
隨時抱著祝福之心,平凡也會變得特別。(Practicing this spirit
of blessing throughout the day can make the ordinary become something special.)
覺悟是人生唯一的目的(Life’s sole purpose
was awakening.)